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Athlete Testimonials
Rebel Genetics Champions

"He, (Matt) got me eating better and got my insulin level down by a third."
luke branquino

"Matt stepped in again and set me up with a concentrated, high calorie diet, that was tailored to my own genetic needs. I was able to eat, get back to training, and by October I was cleared for practice. In November I was back at 190lbs, strong, and competed at the 2017 CFR."

isaac baier
IFBB Classic Physique Pro
"Matt Believed in me as much as I believed in myself. I knew I could always be a good athlete but I just needed some help to unleash my full potential and Matt did just that. 6 months later we went on to win the Vancouver Pro/am. I won the Amateur side of the show to Earn the IFBB Classic Physique Pro Card and then 12 hours later stepped on the IFBB pro stage taking 5th place in my first pro show!"

"My first show under Matts guidance was in 2018 at the Vancouver Pro Qualifier where I placed second. From there I went and did Canadian Nationals where I won first place, the overall and won my IFBB Pro card! This was definitely the best I've ever looked on stage and the best I've ever felt."

"After just a couple months working together, I began noticing my mood elevated, improved clarity, incredible physique changes, previous injuries were less painful and my passion for bodybuilding deepened. Matt approaches his coaching with intrinsic motivation, science and personal experience, which is a lethal combo and something I appreciate very much!"

mohammed kabalan
..."my body dropped inflammation. I started feeling like I had a new body. My training both on the mat and in the gym have improved immensely. My cardio vascular and stamina have done a 180. Matt made himself available for each of my tournaments to make any adjustments I needed along the way.
I would highly recommend Rebel Genetics to anyone looking to take their sport to the next level."

strongman champion
"After starting with Matt I noticed that my energy levels started going up along with my strength. As we moved forward he tailored my nutrition to my goals/contests and within a year a half I became Alberta's 105kg Champion in strongman!! In the same year I went on to compete in Los Angeles where I qualified for US StrongmanCorp Nationals (second place finish, barely missing first)!"

alyssa anderson
strongwoman champion
"I was surprised how quickly my body improved and how fast my performance jumped. When you are fighting to be the best in the world or trying to achieve weights that have never been done before every little thing counts."

Scott ambler
Body Building competitor
"He saw something in me that I didn't even see in myself, and when he told me I could be on stage as a shredded 205 lb. competitor, I was hooked. (I had never told anyone my goal stage weight before, but had it in my head when I first started training that I wanted to be on stage, shredded, at 205 lbs.) When Matt mentioned that weight, I knew I had to run with him.
I look forward to continuing our journey to that number one spot, reaching IFBB Pro Body Builder! Thanks for everything you've done! You're a mad scientist when it comes to diet and nutrition."
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